Detailed Content

Chapter 12 Dying and Death

  • Vignette 12.1 Sudden Death
  • Vignette 12.2 The Long Way Home

Conceptualizations of Dying and Bereavement

  • Perceptions of Late Adulthood
  • Generativity in Late Adulthood
  • Baltes’ Lifespan Developmental Theory
  • The Disablement Process
  • The Dual Process Model: Coping with Grief

The Fourth Age

  • Third and Fourth Age Trajectories
  • Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Aging Processes
  • Biological Processes of Dying and Death

Advance Preparation for End of Life

  • Advance Directives
  • Activity 12.1 My Advance Directive for Health Care
  • Wills and Living Trusts
  • Author Commentary 12.1 Interpreting Advance Directives, Wills, and Living Trusts
  • Other Contractual Accounts

The End of Life

  • The Good Death
  • Hospice
  • Hastening Death

Bereavement and Grief

  • Bereavement and Mourning
  • Funerals
  • Activity 12.2 My Funeral Wishes
  • Grief
  • Death of Family Members and Friends
  • Author Commentary 12.2 Grief Work

Chapter Summary

  • Perspectives Across Disciplines: Interdisciplinary Colleagues


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