Detailed Content

Chapter 2 Theories of Adult Development

  • Vignette 2.1 Transitions and New Beginnings
  • Vignette 2.2 With Opportunity Comes Responsibility

Myth or Fact? Why the Scientific Method Matters

  • Empirical Reasoning: The Scientific Method
  • Supplement 2.1 Wundt and James’ 20th Century Psychology
  • Theories: The Backbone of the Scientific Method
  • The Hypothesis: A Prediction

Historical Theories of Aging

Biological Approaches to Understanding Aging

  • Author Commentary 2.1 The Individual’s Active Role
  • Foundations
  • Nutrition
  • Neuroscience
  • Cellular Biology and Genetics
  • Scientific Application and Comment

Behavioral Learning and Cognitive Approaches

  • Behavioral Analytic Theories
  • Activity 2.1 Classical Conditioning
  • Cognitive Theory
  • Moral Development and Religion
  • Supplement 2.2 Kohlberg’s Ethical Dilemma
  • Scientific Application and Comment

Personality Development Approaches to Aging

  • Psychoanalytic Theories
  • Activity 2.2 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Short Version)
  • Attachment Theory
  • Scientific Application and Comment

Sociocultural Systems Approaches to Aging

  • Baltes’ Life-Span Developmental Theory
  • Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory
  • Matsumoto’s Culture, Context, and Behavior Model
  • Author Commentary 2.2 Continuity and Sociocultural Context
  • Scientific Application and Comment

Chapter Summary

  • Perspectives Across Disciplines: Establishing Theoretical Foundations


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