Detailed Content

Chapter 3 Methods of Studying Adulthood

  • Vignette 3.1 When I’m 64
  • Vignette 3.2 Enhancing Self-Esteem

The Scientific Method: Implementation

  • Author Commentary 3.1 Investigating Themes and Controversies


  • Sources of Hypotheses
  • Research Variables
  • Activity 3.1 Writing Formalized Hypotheses

Research Designs: Methods of Comparing Data

  • Pre-Experimental Designs
  • Experimental Designs
  • Activity 3.2 Pretest-Posttest Design
  • Quasi-Experimental Designs

Research Methods: Procedures for Collecting Data

  • Observation Methods
  • Case Study Methods
  • Interview Methods
  • Survey Methods
  • Standardized Tests
  • Multiple Designs, Methods, and Contexts
  • Author Commentary 3.2 Modern Investigators and Their Methods

Challenges to Understanding Adult Development: Ethical Principles of Research

  • Participant Protection and Welfare
  • Informed Consent
  • Deception
  • Debriefing
  • Withdrawal from Investigation
  • Confidentiality
  • Activity 3.3 Ethical Principles of Research

Chapter Summary

  • Perspectives Across Disciplines: Investigating Adulthood


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