Detailed Content

Section II Biological Foundations of Adulthood

Chapter 4 Biological Systems in Adult Development

  • Vignette 4.1 Youthful Resilience
  • Vignette 4.2 Opportunity

Biological Foundations in Adulthood

  • Biological Theories of Aging
  • Activity 4.1 Free Radicals
  • Homeostasis, Resilience, and Reserve Capacity
  • Homeostatic Imbalance
  • Author Commentary 4.1 The Why and How of Aging

An Overview of Organ Systems

  • The Integumentary System
  • The Skeletal System
  • The Muscular System
  • The Brain and Nervous System
  • The Endocrine System
  • Activity 4.2 Perceived Stress Scale
  • The Heart and Cardiovascular System
  • The Respiratory System
  • The Lymphatic System and Immunity
  • Activity 4.3 Immune System Analogy
  • The Reproductive System

Biological Stages and Transitions in Adulthood

  • Author Commentary 4.2 Everything Is Important
  • Biological Aspects of Young Adulthood: A Crossroads
  • Biological Aspects of Middle Adulthood: Discipline Rewarded
  • Biological Aspects of Late Adulthood: The Delicate Balance
  • Centenarians

Chapter Summary

  • Perspectives Across Disciplines: Maintaining Homeostasis


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