Detailed Content

Chapter 5 Lifestyles and Health

  • Vignette 5.1 The Double-Edged Sword of Technology
  • Vignette 5.2 Health Outcomes

Health Behavior Models

  • The Health Belief Model
  • Activity 5.1 Apply Theory to Action: The Health Belief Model
  • Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior
  • Social Cognitive Theory
  • Socio-Ecological Models
  • Social Marketing
  • Author Commentary 5.1 It Depends

Sensory Systems

  • The Sense of Sight
  • Hearing ad Balance
  • The Senses of Smell and Taste
  • The Sense of Touch

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

  • Chronic Disease
  • Injury
  • Disability
  • Lifestyle Choices
  • Metabolic Factors
  • Author Commentary 5.2 The Drug Overdose Epidemic
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Activity 5.2 Sleep Assessment
  • Combined Effects

Health and Lifestyle Issues Across Adulthood

  • Young Adulthood
  • Middle Adulthood
  • Late Adulthood
  • Centenarians

Chapter Summary

  • Perspectives Across Disciplines: Maximizing Quality of Life


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