Detailed Content

Chapter 7 Cognitive Processes, Wisdom, and Creativity

  • Vignette 7.1 Work, Learn, Give
  • Vignette 7.2 Practical Resolve

Cognitive Processes

Psychological Theories of Cognitive Development

  • Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
  • Theories of Postformal Thinking
  • Activity 7.1 Theories of Post-Formal Thinking
  • Schaie’s Stage Model of Adult Cognitive Development
  • Author 7.2 Scheie’s Stage Model of Adult Cognitive Development
  • Author Commentary 7.1 Becoming a Mature Thinker
  • Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory

Complex Cognitive Abilities: Wisdom, Creativity, and Emotional Intelligence

  • Supplement 7.1 Wise, Intelligent, and Creative People
  • Wisdom
  • Creativity
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Author Commentary 7.2 Contexts for Developing Complex Thinking

Characteristics of Cognition Across the Life Span: Part II

  • Young Adulthood
  • Middle Age
  • Late Adulthood

Chapter Summary

  • Perspectives Across Disciplines: The Influence of Cognitive Ability


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