Detailed Content

Chapter 8 Personality and Self

  • Vignette 8.1 Living His Dream
  • Vignette 8.2 Generativity at Work and Home

An Integrated View of Personality Theory

  • The Systems Framework

The Foundation of Personality: Motivation and Emotion

  • Motivation
  • Emotion, Feelings, and the Limbic System
  • Traits
  • Activity 8.1 My Personality Traits

Knowledge of Self and the World

  • Personal Intelligence
  • Models of the Self
  • Activity 8.2 My Life Story
  • Models of the World

Social Actor: The Self in Context

  • Attachment Theory
  • Role Knowledge: Contextual and Ecological Approaches

Consciousness and Awareness of Self

  • Defense and Coping: Psychodynamic Theories
  • Self-Awareness
  • Author Commentary 8.1 The Application of a Theory

Personality Development Across Adulthood

  • Young Adulthood
  • Middle Adulthood
  • Late Adulthood
  • Author Commentary 8.2 Personality’s Relationship to Developmental Themes

Chapter Summary

  • Perspectives Across Disciplines: Personality and Eating Habits


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